
sticky and sweet and saggy

Madonna is singing in Bucuresti tonight. This is her first and probably only time in Romania. It's a big deal.
So while Madonna's concert stage was receiving its final touches this afternoon I was in the woods near my house, foraging for mushrooms with my neighbor Milicha and his daughter Sabina. On our forages, we came across a Stana, which is the headquarters of a sheep farm.
So we were sitting on a picnic table, drinking whey and eating sheep cheese and polenta.
"Madonna is in Bucaresti tonight. The cheapest ticket is about 200 Lei (88ish dollars)" Milicha tells the picnic table.
"200 lei!" the shepherd and his mother comment shockedly.
"And she's 51 and her skin is saggy," Milicha makes saggy motions with his skin, "Paying 200 lei to see saggy skin." He shakes his head sadly.
"If you're at a big concert you probably won't be close enough to see the saggy..." I offer.
"Some of the tickets cost 800 lei," continued Milicha.
"That's how much I make in a summer," said the shepherd, in his green alpine hat, high grey pants and plaid long-sleeved button-up shirt. "I'll just work all summer to see Madonna in concert!"
I can definitely see him dancing wildly at a Madonna concert :)
Have fun tonight Madonna. All of Romania is talking about you.

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