"How far can you throw an oina ball?" asked my not-very-sporty directoara (principal).
"I've never thrown an oina ball." I told her.
"But how far can you throw one?"
"I don't know."
"After the students are done, lets you and me throw the ball."
After the last student had thrown her ball, my Directoara ran into the corner of the building from which they were throwing and explained to the P.E. coach that she and I wanted to throw the ball too.
"ATENTIE" shouted the P.E. teacher. "The Directoara and the American want to throw the oina ball." The students who were beginning to leave rapidly turned around for the spectacle.
For some reason, I was given the first throw. "Rachel, first try," announced the P.E. teacher. I wound up and threw the ball into the dirt 10 feet in front of me.
"The Directoara, first try." The Directoara ran a bit and wound up before throwing the ball at least 7 times farther than I had, landing close to the stream.
"Rachel, second try." This time I ran a bit and wound up for the throw and the ball didn't head straight for the ground. "ooh. you're improving," laughed the P.E. teacher.
"The Directoara, second try." Run, wind up, throw. 4 times farther than me this time.
"Rachel, third and last try." Run, wind up, throw. Almost to the stream.
"The Directoara, third and last try." Run, wind up, throw. Past the stream.
Me and my contender kissed cheeks and congratulated each other.
During the awards ceremony at the end of the day, the Directoara passed out diplomas to all of the girls for being spectacular athletes. And then the P.E. teachers pushed up to the table and called out, "A diploma for the Directoara for throwing the ball so many meters."
I knew what was going to come next. "And for Rachel, for throwing it so many meters." The athletes (many of my students) clapped and patted my back and one of the P.E. teachers thrust two chocolate bars into my hand.
So, I'm a great oina ball thrower, just look at my diploma:
gionson. thats great.
i think reading your blog is one of my most favorite things to do. and i can't wait to see you and hear these stories in person. so you better visit the madison area when you're back =]
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