
chernobyl 09

This next week is saptamana mare (literally, big week) which is the week before the eastern orthodox.
I am still trying to wrap my head around the fact that the easter celebration here is bigger than Christmas. For the last couple weeks everyone has pulled their rugs out of their homes and beat them and scrubbed them and polished their windows, washed their curtains, scrubbed their floors...for saptamana mare all my fellow teachers will be making cakes and cookies and butchering lambs and coloring eggs.
While all these work is going on in my village, I decided to take a break from Romania for a week and head to the Ukraine. And yes, while I am there I will take a tour of Chernobyl.
Romania doesn't feel like a foreign country to me anymore so traveling around a place that has a completely different alphabet and language will make me a tourist, which is a good thing.
Ukraine ho.

1 comment:

Jen said...

good luck, and i hope you know russian/have a russian speaker with you. i went there to see a friend who was a pcv there and she told me outside of kiev you're pretty much screwed if you don't speak the language.

also, if you're interested in chernobyl, go see the museum they've got in kiev, it's very interesting, especially if you can get a guided tour (it's small, but there's things to be explained and tvs to be turned on).